Driven Minds: A Type 7 Podcast presented by Gillian Sagansky

Driven Minds: A Type 7 Podcast presented by Gillian Sagansky

Success and mental struggle are not mutually exclusive

Rick Doblin: Rewiring Your Brain

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Today we’re expanding our minds with Rick Doblin, a man who has been on a 40-year journey to bring therapeutic psychedelics into modern medicine.

We are living in what has been termed the 'psychedelic renaissance', an extraordinary moment where medical research is dropping long-held prejudices around psychedelics that stemmed from the war on drugs in the 1960s.

Rick has been at the epicentre of this shift, and shares anecdotes ranging from hilarious college experiences to enlightening reflections on the nature of democracy.

DISCLAIMER: Neither Type7 nor any company associated with Type7 or RecTag is advising, promoting or endorsing the use of drugs or other psychedelic substances whether for recreational or therapeutic reasons. The use of psychedelic substances for therapeutic reasons is not approved by the FDA or the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices. Before taking any such substances please consult a doctor. This episode was recorded for entertainment purposes only and not to serve as medical advice or anything as such.

Produced and edited by James Harper Mixed and mastered by Sam McKenna Jingle by Rhys Tivey

Follow Gigi on Instagram and Twitter: @gilliansagansky Follow Rick on Instagram: @rickdoblinmaps and Twitter: @RickDoblin


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About this podcast

In the Driven Minds podcast, Gillian Sagansky talks to cultural icons to learn how they navigate through this crazy, beautiful mess called life and find mental strength.

Through humorous and unfiltered conversations, we discover how struggle and success are not mutually exclusive, and we are never as alone as we might feel we are. Guests share their strategies and hacks, what held them back, how they moved forward and what they learned along the way.

Produced by RecTag Productions and brought to you by Porsche Type7.

by RecTag Productions


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